Many of you may know that my mother struggled with severe postpartum depression after I was born. She lived in various places and even spent some time being homeless on the streets of New York City. My first memories of her are when she returned home when I was about 6 years old. This photo is from right about that time.
After looking at the photo, I turned it over and was surprised to see some writing on the back of it. If you can't read it, it says, "I ❤ you Matt. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. Forgive me!" On the left side, it reads, "I thank God that he gave me the miracle of my life back!! Love Mom."
Even though she isn't the person that came home when I was 6 years old until she got sick, I feel so lucky that I got the chance to spend so much time with her while she was well. I learned so much from her and I'm forever thankful that I got to experience the joy of life with her for so many years.